DESTA III - secret scene / A poetic installation, created by Zhulien Lambrev as a continuation of the FEVVER performance. It is inspired by the primitive measuring of time using candles and nails and created to represent, in a visual way, the creeping feeling of the lost past and the fear of missing out, growing stronger with the years

The installation consists of six giant candles with 200 nails driven into them. While the wax is melting, the nails are dropping on a metal surface each passing minute. The candles are placed in a underground box, arranged as a mini version of young adult’s room. There is only one small window - lens that visually turns the installation upside-down. The whole setup is followed by a reflective poetic narration. The installation takes about 1 square meter of space. Build in a cubical shape, with internal light source and sound

The project debuted in November 22.22 as a secret part of Sofia ART Week5, at ReBonkers - an antique gunpowder magazine, turned art space